These cards came about due to the Covid 19 epidemic. Dulcie and I both had jobs that, like a lot of people’s jobs, came to a bit of an abrupt standstill with the Covid 19 lockdown and we wanted to come up with something to help families with these challenging times.
We had memories of playing cards as kids with our parents on caravan holidays in rainy England (another kind of lockdown, when there were no TVs on camping holidays and no mobile phones!) We have 6 children between us and we thought these cards might be something fun for adults and children to do together when having a break from technology – and maybe help with school work by accident!
When she is not on lock down, Dulcie’s job is to teach people surprising things about how our brains work. She helps people to use their brains better at work – whether that is to learn something new, or maybe to stop making excuses and get on with things!
Dulcie knows a lot about books because she studied English at University, but very little about History. So rather than pretending she knew everything about everything, she decided to admit to her incompetence – and do something about it!
She thought it would be really cool to create a set of playing cards that tricks your brain into learning and remember useful stuff by “accident” – all while you are just having fun.
We asked Mark Bennington, (whose claim to fame is that he used to do cartoons in the Beano!) to help us by drawing us some pictures to make the cards more interesting to look at than the normal sets you might have played with.
Each suit covers a different topic:
Hearts are authors, Spades are English Monarchs, Diamonds are musicians and artists and Clubs are historical events through time.
Each numbered card corresponds to the same point in history so you can see at a glance who was around at the same time. We then added additional facts around the borders of the card to give even more facts and figures.
For every card set sold, we’ll donate £1 to the The Big Issue in support of their work with the homeless in these challenging times.
Available to pre-order now for delivery from Friday 24th April. To purchase a set, simply click here.
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